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04.01.2023 | Tech and Business News

Funding for Surgical and Nursing Robots

The BIH is on a mission to promote the transfer of health technology from research to practice.

The EU is supporting the digital transformation of the healthcare system. – © Petra Ritter / BIH

The EU has devoted €60M to researching innovative approaches to robotics and AI in the health sector, with the aim of bringing new solutions to the market more quickly. A slice of this funding for experimental neurology is going to the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) at the Charité, Berlin’s prestigious university hospital. The EU project lead is Prof. Petra Ritter, head of the Brain Simulation Section at the BIH and at the Department of Neurology and Experimental Neurology of the Charité. She explains that the project aims to “facilitate and accelerate the validation and certification of AI and robotics in medical devices”, to be achieved by investing in a Testing and Experimentation Facility for Health AI and Robotics (TEF-Health). Professor Ritter wants to “boost public confidence in these new developments.” As the BIH press release states, nine European countries are involved in the project.

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