Making Wind Power Easier: Caeli Gets Funding

Caeli Wind founders Heiko Bartels and Ben Schlemmermeier with managing director Andreas Rieckhoff. – © Caeli Wind
Landowners can mark their property on the Caeli Wind site and get an estimate of how much they could earn if they allow wind turbines to be built there. Caeli Wind uses AI to help identify areas with wind potential and matches sites to nationwide tenders as well as providing an auction platform. In 2023, Caeli’s online marketplace connected 173 landowners to project developers. Caeli, founded in 2022, claims to accelerate the planning and approval process of wind farm development by up to 18 months. This success in Germany has attracted international investors and Caeli Wind has just received €11M in series A funding, as Startbase reports. Founders Ben Schlemmermeier and Heiko Bartels intend to accelerate climate protection and the energy transition by expanding into Europe and other territories, thus helping to secure a sustainable energy supply for the future.