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16.12.2022 | Tech and Business News

Shout It From The Rooftops: “Energy Pal” Enpal.

Enpal’s astonishing growth continues with a €855M refinancing deal.

Hassle free solar sets for the home from Enpal. – © Enpal

Almost as fast as the speed of light is solar startup Enpal’s current growth. We recently noted that they achieved a 2,500% four-year growth rate and reached unicorn status. Now co-founder and Chief Investment Officer Viktor Wingert has closed a deal worth a total of €855M in refinancing (see the German press release). This should be enough to maintain and expand operative business in Europe with 30,000 photovoltaic packages, consisting of a solar panel, energy storage, a smart home environment, and an optional electric vehicle charger. “Not all customers have the necessary funds to purchase a solar system upfront,” he says. Enpal offers alternative ways for you to finance putting panels on your private residential roof such as rental, which also means that Enpal takes care of all the bureaucratic hurdles. With their own installation company and over 1,000 permanently employed installers and electricians, Enpal can get that panel up there within six weeks of your signing the contract. With conditions this attractive, it’s no wonder Enpal is gaining around 2,000 new customers a month. Enpal’s founder & CEO Mario Kohle is one step closer to his dream that, “Everyone is independent from large electricity enterprises.”

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