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20.06.2022 | Tech and Business News

Want To Offer Fractional Investing On Your Website?

Fintech Upvest builds the technology behind complex digital banking, securities, and brokerage services, including crypto, providing plug-and-play solutions to anyone offering online investment experiences.

Banking on tech – The team from Upvest – © Upvest

People like Maximilian Tayenthal and investors such as Speedinvest, Partech, and Earlybird believed, and have been proved right. Yet another Berlin fintech startup has grown rapidly and just secured $42 M in their Series B round, as Financial IT reports. Small wonder, since Upvest has the BaFin licenses for brokerage of securities and crypto currencies and have been able to develop the tech for an end-to-end plug-and-play cloud-banking system for investments in the capital market, including ETFs and stocks. Their ready-made brokerage and custody infrastructure saves neobanks and brokers from having to program their own tech, a bit like an online retailer would not program their own digital shop but just use a white-label solution. Upvest’s Investment-API makes investing via a website possible almost instantly. “With Upvest, we want to establish Investment-as-a-Service as a new category and become the technical backbone for all fintech, banks and asset managers that want to offer their end customers safe, affordable and simple access to the capital and crypto market,” says founder and CEO Martin Kassing.

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